

24 outubro 2024, 08:00 Margarida Maria Portela Correia dos Santos Romão

Determination of the iron content in horse heart cytochrome c using AAS and MAS

Atomic Spectrometry for metal determination part 2

23 outubro 2024, 11:00 Margarida Maria Portela Correia dos Santos Romão

•Atomic Mass Spectrometry and ion sources; ICP-MS

•Comparison of the atomic spectrometries for metal ion determinations 

Atomic Spectrometry for metal determination - Part 1

22 outubro 2024, 09:00 Margarida Maria Portela Correia dos Santos Romão

Optical Atomic Spectrometry in the UV-Vis;
Atomization methods; Atomic Absorption Spectrometry on flames (FlameAAS) and Electrothermal (Graphite FurnaceAAS or GFAAS);
Atomic Emission Spectrometry (AES) on plasma sources - Inductively coupled plasma, ICP-AES

Application problem

Presentation and discussion of lab results

18 outubro 2024, 09:00 Alexandra Maria Moita Antunes

Presentation and discussion of lab results.

the teaching of this class was also saherd with the TAs Tiagos Fernandes and Maria Martins

Presentation and discussion of lab results

17 outubro 2024, 08:00 Alexandra Maria Moita Antunes

Presentation and discussion of lab results.

the teaching of this class was also saherd with the TAs Tiagos Fernandes and Maria Martins