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[DSM] - Correct Zoom Link Revision of grades Special Season Exam
30 julho 2021, 12:37 • Edgar Mascarenhas
Dear all,
There was a typo in the Zoom link for the revision of grades session (Special Season Exam).
The correct one is the following:
Link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/99454680787?pwd=Mm1zM0tVcmlCMUZ2TWZEUDliVkJyQT09
Meeting ID: 994 5468 078
Password: 273299
The revision of grades session will occur today, 30th July (Friday), at 12h15-13h15 (Lisbon Time).
Best Regards,
Edgar Mascarenhas
on behalf of the DSM lecturing team
[DSM] - Revision of grades session Special Season Exam
28 julho 2021, 08:56
[DSM] - Special Season Exam 27th July
26 julho 2021, 12:27
[MAD] - Course Final Grades after Revision of Grades session
7 julho 2021, 10:58
MAD - Final course grades and revision of grades session
30 junho 2021, 17:56
Corpo Docente
António Quintino
Edgar Mascarenhas
João Lourenço
Teresa Cipriano Rodrigues