
Multicriteria resource allocation

21 maio 2013, 17:00 Carlos Bana e Costa

Lab class with the decision support system PROBE

Cases of Multicriteria Resource alocation

21 maio 2013, 15:30 Carlos Bana e Costa

Cases of Multicriteria Resource alocation

Multicriteria resource allocation

20 maio 2013, 16:00 João Lourenço

Efficient portfolios and dominated portfolios. Efficient frontier and convex efficient frontier. Methods to form efficient portfolios: prioritization (based on the benefit-to-cost ratio) and optimization (knapsack). The decision support system PROBE: algorithms and robustness analysis. Examples. Addressing cost of not financing projects. How to define the zero on the benefit value scale.

Linear programming

14 maio 2013, 17:00 João Lourenço

Exercises 6 and 7 from handout 3.

Linear programming

14 maio 2013, 15:30 João Lourenço

Simplex method: geometric interpretation; aplication of the method using the tabular form; tie breaking; standard form; adapting to other model forms; big M method; the two-phase method.