Labs - some changes (and previous information)
18 setembro 2023, 13:55 • Luísa Coheur
If you need to get in touch with the faculty regarding any subject, please use the following email address: (we will not answer otherwise).
STUDENTS looking for a colleague to form a group may send an email to
About the labs (shifts):
- Lab 8, Friday, 15h30, room E3, moved to 13h, Q4.2 (still Friday)
- Lab 7, Friday, 15h30, room E1, simply moved to room E3
- If you are enrolled in Lab 8, you can still go to the 15h30 class in E3 (as in the previous week);
- If you are enrolled in Lab 5, please go to F4 (as in the previous week); if you are not enrolled at any lab at 13h, but it is the only lab you can go to, please, go to the lab in room Q4.2.
- If you are enrolled in Lab 6 or 7, notice that Lab 7 moved from E1 to E3 on Friday, and Lab 6 moved to V1.17 on Tuesday).
Previous VERY IMPORTANT information:
Theoretical Classes:
- Alameda
- Portuguese: Tuesday, 10h10-12h00 and Friday 10h10-12h00
- English: Tuesday, 08h10-10h00 and Friday 08h10-10h00
- Tagus
- Portuguese: Monday, 10h10-12h00 and Thursday 8h40-10h30
- Alameda
- Tuesday: 12h10-13h30, 15h10-16h30, 16h40-18h00, 18h10-19h30
- Friday: 13h10-14h30, 14h10-15h30, 15h40-17h00, 15h40-17h00
- Tagus
- Monday: 8h30-10h00 or 14h00-15h30
- Thursday: 10h40-12h00 or 15h40-17h00
The support materials associated with each class, those used in the assessment (autonomous work before theoretical classes), and other useful links to better understand the proposed topics are available on the Moodle platform. You can access all this information through this link:
(The first part of the course is available. Students must enter to read the document assigned as "Autonomous work")