
2nd exam and questions regarding the exam (revisão de provas)

5 fevereiro 2024, 12:03 Nuno Mamede

To contact the faculty, whatever the subject, you should use the following address:

Exam Grading is available on the section Grades.

For questions regarding the exam (revisão de provas), contact us by Tuesday, 6/Februray (23:59). Thank you.

2nd Exam

23 janeiro 2024, 17:48 Nuno Mamede

  • You can enroll in the 2nd exam from 26/02 (9 AM) to 30/02 (12 AM).
  • If you want to take the exam, it is mandatory to enroll.
  • If you want to do the exam in Tagus, choose the option that will take place in A3. The other options are for the Alameda campus. You are free to choose the option that better fits your needs, but, unless you can be in two places at the same time, pick just one campus.
      Alameda exam will take place in F4 room.


1st Exam Grading

9 novembro 2023, 11:20 Nuno Mamede

1st Exam Grading is available on the section Grades.

Any questions regarding the first exam (revisão de provas) take place on:
     Friday, 10/Nov, 17h-18h, INESC-ID, Alameda, room 232
     Tuesday, 14/11, 13h30-14h30, Taguspark, room 2N1.17

After these dates, all grades are considered final.

Exam + Grades available

27 outubro 2023, 14:41 Nuno Mamede

To contact the faculty, whatever the subject, you should use the following address:

Current grades are available in Section Grades.

About the exam:

***If you enrol in both campi you will have a penalty of 3 values.***


Q: Do I need to go to the exam?
A: No, If you have a positive grade (>= 9.5).

Q: If I want to go, do I need to enroll in the exam?
A: Yes! It is mandatory!

Q: Should I enroll in Tagus or Alameda?
A: If you want to do the exam in Tagus, choose the option that will take place in A4. The other option is for Alameda. You are free to choose the option that better fits your needs, but please, enrol in one single place. If you enrol in both Tagus and Alameda you will have a penalty of 3 values.

Q: When will I be able to enroll for the exam?
A: You will be able to do it from 2/Nov/2023, 12:00 – until 6/Nov/2023, 12:59 (via Fénix).

Q: Are the Office Hours (aulas de dúvidas) the same? 

A: No. There is a new schedule. Check Section “Office Hours”.

Q: Which are the exam rules?

  • There is no minimum score.
  • You must bring a pen/pencil and your student/identification card.
  • No calculator is needed/permitted.
  • No materials are allowed.
  • Your phone must be out of reach.

Q: Is there any exam "template"?
A: Yes. An exam template is available in the Section “Grades”.

Q: After receiving the exam grades, is there any schedule for questions regarding the exam (revisão de provas)?
A: Yes (notice that after these dates, all grades are considered final):
     Friday, 10/Nov, 17h-18h, INESC-ID, Alameda, room 232
     Tuesday, 14/11, 13h30-14h30, Taguspark, room 2N1.17

MP2 - preliminary results + paper results (NEW) + informations

27 outubro 2023, 14:40 Nuno Mamede

Preliminary results (automatic evaluation + papers scores) are available in Section Projects. Some groups should contact us ***ASAP***.

For questions regarding MP2 evaluation, join us on Thursday, 2/11, via zoom from 3PM to 4PM.

On Thursday, after 4PM, we will provide details on how to enroll in the exam (until then, you can find exam templates on Section Grades).