
L08: Dealing with text

13 outubro 2022, 10:30 Luísa Coheur

Dealing with unstructured data (natural language). Basic Unix commands.

Similarity + Text as vectors

13 outubro 2022, 08:30 Luísa Coheur

  • Pre-processing
  • Text as vectors
  • Similarity metrics

L07: Semantic Roles

11 outubro 2022, 18:00 Ricardo Costa Dias Rei

Given a sentence and a predicate, exercise the assignment of a Semantic Role to its arguments and adjuncts.

L07: Semantic Roles

11 outubro 2022, 16:30 Ricardo Costa Dias Rei

Given a sentence and a predicate, exercise the assignment of a Semantic Role to its arguments and adjuncts.

L07: Semantic Roles

11 outubro 2022, 15:00 Rui Orlando Magalhães Ribeiro

Given a sentence and a predicate, exercise the assignment of a Semantic Role to its arguments and adjuncts.