Últimos anúncios
11 novembro 2021, 17:44 • Nuno Mamede
To contact the faculty, whatever the subject, you should use the following address: meic-ln@disciplinas.tecnico.ulisboa.pt
(1) Give us your opinion about LNPlease, give us your opinion about LN: https://forms.gle/kATFeTq8BDoQBbZS8
Your opinion is very important to us! Thank you for your contribution.
(2) New in Moodle
Moodle has been modified to present a more compact view: each section can be expanded. If you prefer the previous presentation you can expand all the sections at once (button “Open all”).
Also, Section "PART 1 and 2. Auto-evaluation” is available and already contains 15 quizzes that are not considered for any evaluation. The questions provided should not be used as the main study material but as a validation of the study. Most probably, exam questions are going to be different from these ones.
(3) Office Hours (aulas de dúvidas)
New office hours available
(4) Exam "template"Available on Section "Grades"
(5) How to enrol in the exam
You will be able to do it by the beginning of next week. If you want to do the exam in Tagus, choose the option that will take place in A1. The other option is for Alameda. Enrolment is mandatory.
Test set available!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 novembro 2021, 09:53
TAGUS: Change in Lab classes 12/11
3 novembro 2021, 16:12
MP2 - FAQs
31 outubro 2021, 20:33
MP1 - Final grades
29 outubro 2021, 15:09
Corpo Docente
Ricardo Costa Dias Rei
Rui Orlando Magalhães Ribeiro
Vânia Patrícia Padrão Mendonça