Grades, questions regarding the exam (revisão de provas) and 2nd exam

25 novembro 2021, 19:36 Nuno Mamede

To contact the faculty, whatever the subject, you should use the following address:

Grades available: link

1- For questions regarding the exam (revisão de provas):

  • Monday, 29/11, 14h-15h, INESC-ID, Alameda, room 232
  • Tuesday, 30/11, 8h-9h, Taguspark, room 2N1.17
    After these dates, all grades are considered final.

2 - 2nd Exam
  • All students can go to the second exam on February, 22nd —15:30.
  • In this exam: (i) there is no minimum score; (ii) calculators are forbidden; (iii) you can use a pen or a pencil.
  • This exam contributes 70% to the final grade, and the projects, MP1 and MP2, with the other 30% (rules).
  • The maximum value between the current eventuation and February evaluation is considered.