Últimos anúncios

Lab Classes

22 novembro 2010, 20:28 Susana Isabel Carvalho Relvas

Dear students


Please take note of the extra Lab Classes of the Wednesday Shift for the next two weeks:

- 30th of November - 2-3.30 p.m.

- 7th of December - 2-3.30 p.m.

The room is 1.29.

Regards, Susana Relvas

Note: Any student with overlapped schedules should attend the Thursday Shift. However, class contents for that shift will start this week (one week earlier).

Attendance Schedule

26 outubro 2010, 19:10

1st week class

9 setembro 2010, 18:02

Corpo Docente

Susana Isabel Carvalho Relvas

