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Using Numerical Relativity To Explore Fundamental Physics And Astrophysics

15 setembro 2010, 16:46 Ana Maria Cidade Mourão

Luciano Rezzolla
(AEI, Germany)

Recent years have seen a major progress in numerical relativity and the solution of the simplest and yet among the most challenging problems in classical general relativity: that of the evolution of two objects interacting only gravitationally. I will review the results obtained so far when modelling binaries of black holes or of neutron stars and also discuss the impact these studies have in detection of gravitational-waves, in astrophysics, and in our understanding of general relativity.
Date: Friday, September 17, 2010 - 14:30
Place: Physics Department, Meeting room on the 4th floor, IST
           Campus da Alameda

Corpo Docente

Ana Maria Cidade Mourão



Mario Goncalo Rodrigues dos Santos