
Pauta com resultados da 2a data de exame

10 julho 2017, 18:03 Joaquim Jorge

Esta disponivel nesta folha de calculo google:

revisao de provas de IPM

9 julho 2017, 18:50 Joaquim Jorge

... Tera lugar na quarta feira dia 12 de Julho as 11h na sala 1.4

Pauta Provisoria apos resultados do 1o Exame

4 julho 2017, 23:47 Joaquim Jorge

Podem consulta-la nesta folha de calculo google

As contas do Bonus de participacao nas duas aulas extraordinarias e respectivos Kahoots estao acessiveis aqui

Pauta com os resultados do 1o exame

29 junho 2017, 00:49 Joaquim Jorge

Podem encontrar a pauta nesta google spreadsheet

A revisao de provas tera lugar no dia 30 a partir das 11h30 na sala 1.4
estao abertas as inscricoes para a 2a data de exame ate segunda feira dia 3 as 23h59

Convite: Don Norman: Distinguished Talk no IST / de Julho as 14h30 no Centro de Congressos

14 junho 2017, 18:36 Joaquim Jorge

Ola a todos,
Lembram-se do Senhor Don Norman (autor do livro Design of Everyday Things)? Ele vem ao IST (Alameda) para proferir uma Palestra no CEntro de Congressos. Não posso recomendar mais entusiasticamente que apareçam! O numero de lugares é limitado. É importante fazer a inscrição no site da talk:
O titulo da Palestra é 

Don Norman:

People-Centered Design: Why it matters?

In this lecture, I describe some of the problems we are studying, including healthcare and autonomous automobiles, showing how we approach these issues. At the new Design Lab at UC San Diego, Design is a way of thinking, understanding people real, fundamental needs, and designing systems that fulfill those needs in an understandable, enjoyable manner.

Does it matter? Yes. Medical error is the second largest cause of death in healthcare (alongside cancer and heart attack). And most of this error is caused by poor design of instruments, devices, and procedures. Autonomous cars promise to save lives, but how do pedestrians interact when the cars have no drivers?

Don Norman is Founder and Director of the Design Lab at the University of California, San Diego. He was co-founder and frst chair of the Cognitive Science Department and prior to that, chair of Psychology.

He has been a Vice President of Advanced technology at Apple and an executive at HP. He is co-founder and principal of the Nielsen Norman group, a member of the National Academy of Engineering, fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cognitive Science Society, ACM, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and Design Research Society. He is an IDEO fellow, and a trustee of IIT’s Institute of design.