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Final Marks

9 julho 2019, 16:43 Cláudia Rita Ribeiro Coelho Nunes Philippart

The final marks (including the evaluation by tests, exercises, MOOC and attendance of seminars) is already available. This marks will be sent to the Graduation Office tomorrow, which means that Thursday they will be included in the system.

I wish all nice holidays and for those who leave IST a bright future!

Grades from Repetition Tests

2 julho 2019, 22:19

Grades for the repetition: dates and other infos

24 junho 2019, 15:38

Infos for next test

12 junho 2019, 17:00

Results and resolution of the second test

3 junho 2019, 14:54

Corpo Docente

Cláudia Rita Ribeiro Coelho Nunes Philippart

