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Exam 18/JULY/22 + Final Grades

19 julho 2022, 12:38 Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa

The grades of the exam that took place 18/7/2022, 15:30 and the final grades@19JULY2022  are published in the "Exams" section .
The exams can be consulted 21/July/22, after 14:00 by Zoom. So that, the ones that would like to revise the exam should send an email to duarte.sousa@tecnico.ulisboa.pt in order to receive the link.
The final grades will be delivered to the academic office at 21/July/2022 (end of the day).

Project Evaluations

14 julho 2022, 23:54

Exam 18/07/2022 , 15:30 - Enrollment

11 julho 2022, 09:56

Exam 7JULY22

7 julho 2022, 19:54

Excel sheet with colors

24 junho 2022, 18:17

Corpo Docente

Duarte de Mesquita e Sousa



João Guilherme Raimundo Garcia