IE sprint 4 requirements

18 maio 2020, 21:18 Sérgio Luís Proença Duarte Guerreiro

Dear IE 2020 students,


Congratulations by the achievements obtained with sprint 3. The presented projects contain some degree of automation under the scope of a MaaS platform prototype. Some of the automations are still performed manually using a simulation of some events to integrate the components but working!


 Now, in sprint 4 (and final), it is time to advance with a full automation of business processes to create an environment that is able to simulate the operation, the rating, the provisioning and the dunning counterparts, and all of them working together. The integration points are numerous and diverse. We consider the following two aspects mandatory to be developed:

  • Integration between providers provisioning and Kafka consumers operation.

Main implications are (i) the Kafka consumers should consult the providers that are active in the database before starting; and (ii) provisioning need to create new topics in Kafka and manage providers in database.

  • Integration between rating and dunning process.

Main implications are (i) control the prepaid amount or control the credit card authorization in operation time; and (ii) trigger dunning process whenever any client exhausts the plafond or is not authorized to pay.

Besides these standards requirements, we would like to give freedom for you to decide about some new business approaches that could be offered by MaaS. Therefore, you are free to propose one or two MaaS improvements of any kind. For that end, contact us, by email, asap, to share your ideas. It will allow us to evaluate if the ideas are feasible within the time frame available.


The deadlines for submission of this sprint is extend to 29.5.2020

The tentative date for project discussion is 4.6.2020 - 9h-12h. Please reply by email stating if your group is available in this timeslot.

Thank you and wish you the best for this final sprint.