
Global overview of the course 3rd Mini test

28 maio 2020, 11:00 José Manuel da Costa Alves Marques

Architecture of the project and integration of the main tools

3rd mini test

Global overview of the course 3rd Mini test

28 maio 2020, 11:00 José Manuel da Costa Alves Marques

Architecture of the project and integration of the main tools

3rd mini test

falta de comparência de alunos (aula online)

27 maio 2020, 09:30 Sérgio Luís Proença Duarte Guerreiro

falta de comparência de alunos

sprint 4 project support

25 maio 2020, 11:00 Sérgio Luís Proença Duarte Guerreiro

sprint 4 project support

Use case por authentication in the MaaS project

25 maio 2020, 09:30 José Manuel da Costa Alves Marques

Single sign on for employees

Clients registration and authentication

Identity providers as a service