
FENIX notas!

18 janeiro 2010, 11:45 Andreas Miroslaus Wichert

For final marks "no FENIX", see "Material adicional" (Verify if everything is correct)

Oral exam - Horário de dúvidas

12 janeiro 2010, 17:52 Andreas Miroslaus Wichert

Oral exam will be  14.1.2010  in my office 2-N5.7. 


Horário de dúvidas

4ª feira  13/1/2010: 14H-16H (gabinete 2N5.7)

Oral exam ICIA 2009/2010

7 dezembro 2009, 16:05 Andreas Miroslaus Wichert

Oral exam will be  EITHER  on 18.12.2009 OR 14.1.2010  in my office 2-N5.7. Please chose the date and put your name on ONE of the lists which hangs on the door of my office. 

Groups of two will be evaluated at the same time.

Horário de dúvidas

5ª feira   17/12/2009: 10H-12H (gabinete 2N5.7)

Thursday 19, 14h, room 0.15

17 novembro 2009, 14:17 Andreas Miroslaus Wichert

The lecture of Friday 20 will be moved to Thursday 19, 14h, room 0.15

licao 9 was missing

30 outubro 2009, 16:55 Andreas Miroslaus Wichert

licao 9 was missing: " Overview of Quantum Computers, Qubit, Notation, Bra, Ket, Hilbert Space, Suprposition, Quantum Memory, Eigenstrates, Unitary Evolution, Observables as Hermitian Operators". It was introduced and the following lectures were updated, to l icao 10, licao 11 and licao 12