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Special Epoch Exam - grades

10 setembro 2020, 10:08 Luís Manuel Marques Custódio

The grades for the special exam are available in the "Documentação" section, "Pautas" sub-section.

The final grades are available in the file: 20200910_PautaGlobal_IASD_2019-2020.pdf

If you have any fundamental question/concern about the EE exam grades, send me an email no later than 12 noon tomorrow. I need to send the grades to IST's academic services no later than Sunday.

Luis Custódio

Exame de Época Especial

31 agosto 2020, 12:14

Final Grades

7 fevereiro 2020, 16:36

Exam 2 - grades

5 fevereiro 2020, 14:47

2nd Exam - registration, rooms occupancy and Q/A slots

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Corpo Docente

Rodrigo Ventura