AIG Material

24 setembro 2021, 17:18 Manuel Castro Guerra Moreira Guimarães

Dear AIG students, 

For, both theoretical and practical classes you will need a laptop (at least one per group) and Unity3D, a game software engine.  
We will use one of the latest version (at the time): Unity 2020.3.18f1 (if you already have Unity any version from Unity 2020.3 onwards will serve). 

 In order to download and install the mentioned Unity version, you will need Unity Hub first.
To download it visit: Once you have Unity Hub you can download the correct version by going to Installs->Add. 

 Additionally, since we will be coding a lot, a proper IDE is recommended. There's a wide range to pick from.
 We recommend either Visual Studio or Code. Tip: When you select a version of Unity to install you can add modules to it, one of those is Visual Studio.

See you next week