
Time to develop pratical work

8 abril 2011, 16:00 Manuel Duarte Pinheiro

No lectures

Structural reduce product impact: Factor 4/Factor 10

4 abril 2011, 14:30 Manuel Duarte Pinheiro

4. Eco Compass

5. Efficiency, ….

Structural reduce product impact: Factor 4/Factor 10

4 abril 2011, 13:30 Manuel Duarte Pinheiro

1. Impact

2. Factor X

3. What  service and solution

Sustainable consumption - Green procurement, labelling and other instruments 4/4

1 abril 2011, 17:00 Manuel Duarte Pinheiro

Report Work 1

Sustainable consumption - Green procurement, labelling and other instruments 3/4

1 abril 2011, 16:00 Manuel Duarte Pinheiro

3. Ecolabel