
Publicação de Notas

31 janeiro 2015, 15:03 Manuel Duarte Pinheiro

Impact ratings send to administrative office

Publicação de Notas

27 janeiro 2015, 09:14 Manuel Duarte Pinheiro

Impact Grades with exam, test and works

2º exame | 2nd Exam

15 janeiro 2015, 12:25 Ana Fonseca Galvão

Os alunos que pretendam fazer o 2º exame deverão inscrever-se no Fénix até 2ªf de manhã (12h).

O exame decorrerá dia 20 de Janeiro, com início às 11h00, na sala V1.08.


Students that want to attend the 2nd exam need to register in Fénix system until Monday morning (12h).

The exam will take place on 20th January, at 11h00, in classroom V1.08.

Aula dúvidas para exame | Question Schedule for the exam

13 janeiro 2015, 17:38 Ana Fonseca Galvão

O horário de dúvidas da Prof.ª Ana Galvão para o exame será dia 16 de Janeiro 2015, entre as 10h e as 11h, Gab. 3.69 (Pav. Civil).


The questions schedule of Prof. Ana Galvão for the exam will be on 16th January, form 10h to 11h, in Office n. 3.69 (Civil Eng. Building).

Test/Exam information

12 dezembro 2014, 11:25 Ana Fonseca Galvão

For the test/exam, the students are allowed to bring a paper copy of the  legislation concerning Environmental Impact Assessement:

- Decreto-lei 151B/2013 and/or Directive 2011/92/UE from the European Parliament and the Council

- Portaria 330/2001

Digital consultation of any kind will not be allowed.