Lecture 1 - Environmental perspective, program and works

1.  Environmental concepts, evolution and industrial perspective
2 . Lectures, program, works and evaluation

Lecture 1 - Environmental perspective, program and works

1.  Environmental concepts, evolution and industrial perspective
2 . Lectures, program, works and evaluation

Lecture 2 - Environmental assessment (SEA and EIA)

1. The need to assess environmental impacts. Assessment Type.
2. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) - Plans, programmes and policies
3. Environmental Impact Assessment  (EIA) Process - Project
4. What projects are covered by EIA process? Screening phase?
5. EIA main steps

Approach to environmental impact study (EIS)
Examples of approaches to environmental factors
Eco-efficiency - Strategies for managing environmental impacts
Introduction to Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
Approach to Ecodesign
Cleaner production and industrial ecology
Implementation (POS EIS) and environmental management