

9 outubro 2018, 17:09 Maria João Correia Colunas Pereira

The students should organize in 6 groups (registration is now open on fenix) .Each group must present a synthesis of the environmental policy concerning upstream oil industry in a specific country. The professor assigns the country after registration of the group. The same country will be assigned to two groups. The document should not exceed 20 pages.

The deadline for submission of the document is 30th October.

After this date, the works will be made available to all students and each student will vote to elect the best work for each country. Classification process will be defined soon. The winning authors will have an extra bonus of 1 (0/20) at the final grade.

Beginning of classes

17 setembro 2018, 15:18 Maria João Correia Colunas Pereira

The classes of this course will start on 25th September.