
New Dates and D1&M3 Presentation

27 janeiro 2022, 22:06 Paulo Miguel Nogueira Peças

Topic A – Dates (new) 

  •  M3 and D1 presentations uploading: February the 3rd 23:59 
  •  Presentation of M3 and D1 (same file): February the 4th (during the Lessons). 
  •  Uploading of D2 (video link): from February the 5th until February the 13th 
  •  Uploading of D3 (file): from February the 5th until February the 23rd
Topic B – M3 and D1 presentation 
  •  The groups must assign to the morning or to the afternoon shift (Fenix until February the 1st 23:59). 
  •  I recommend that you first present D1: The full A3 – report (2 min, 1 slide). 
    • Contrarily to what says in the 01_01_PM_Introduction_2021_2022.pdf, do not use these 2 mins to present the “project description and framing the solution in the 4 DP of I4.0.” 
    • Just present the A3-Report: Problem definition, Current Condition (quantification of the problem), root-causes, Target Value, Countermeasures/Solution brief concept and Impact (pay-back period), Implementation plan, Follow-up (critical points and risks). You can use animation (slideshow) during the 2 min, inside the slide. 
  •  Then the M3 presentation Concept Validation & impact in Lean 4.0 (5 min, 5 slides): 
    • Here you should NOT present a video. 
    • You should describe the concept validation approach, by explaining the practical example logic, the results obtained, and the confirmation of the benefits. 
    • An explanation of the before and after costs, and the payback calculations will allow understanding better of the results presented in A3-Report. A slide must be used to “framing the solution in the 4 DP of I4.0”. Best regards

Laboratory sessions

21 dezembro 2021, 10:15 Paulo Miguel Nogueira Peças

In the section Guide and Lab Demonstrations you can download the guide and lab demonstration videos and photos.

You can contact Marta and Ricardo using this slack link:

Each group can use the lab in these slots after January the 9th, but only after assignment with Marta and Ricardo through the Slack channel:

Tuesday | 13:30 - 14:30 / 18:00 - 19:00 / 19:00 - 20:00

Wednesday | 13:30 - 14:30 / 17:30 - 18:30 / 18:30 - 19:30

Any additional questions regarding Lab work use the Slack channel.

Here is the link to book the laboratory sessions:

Only one element of the group should book a session representing the group.

Marta and Ricardo will manage the sessions, knowing that is session has 1 hour of duration, and the following criteria will be used:

1. Fewer sessions of that group in the laboratory, higher priority for that group;

2. First booked, first served.

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year.


Paulo Peças

Details about the shifts

4 novembro 2021, 08:58 Paulo Miguel Nogueira Peças

After some questions about the Shift, here I explain days/time/room.

Each student must attend 3 sessions of 2 hours (shift TP1 or shift TP2) and 1 session of 1 hour (Wednesday at 12.00)


Shift TP1

Monday – 14.00-16.00 – Room F3

Tuesday – 11.00-13.00 – Room F8

Wednesday – 12.00-13.00 – Room GA1

Friday – 10.00-12.00 – Room V0.02


Shift TP2

Wednesday – 15.00-17.00 – Room Q4.1

Wednesday – 12.00-13.00 – Room GA1

Thursday – 08.00-10.00 – Room Q5.1

Friday – 15.00-17.00 – Room C12


Best regards

Paulo Peças

Bem-Vindos a Gestão da Produção

3 novembro 2021, 18:56 Paulo Miguel Nogueira Peças

Dear Students, Caros Alunos,

The Production Management Course will begin in November the 29th (P2, 1st Semester).

As you know, this is the first time this course occurs in 7 weeks format.

In the first week, the first lesson is dedicated to explain de Course dynamics, and the other two include relevant topics for the Group Work and for the Exam.

Yes, the assessment will have two components, Group Work and written Exam, each one with 50% contribution to the final grade. The Group Work will be explained in the first lesson. The written Exam structure will be also a topic of the first lesson.

The lessons will have the support of PPT slides. The slides will be available in the WebPage (section Downloads), before each lesson.

Each student should follow one of the shifts: TP1 or TP2. The Wednesday lesson from 12.00 to 13.00 is common to TP1 and TP2. The Group Work is to be done mostly during the lessons, so changing shifts along the period is not recommended.

The 1st lesson to TP1 is on November the 29th at 14.00.

The 1st lesson to TP2 is on December the 2nd at 08.00.

In the following weeks additional information will be sent to you, or uploaded in the Course webpage.

Best Regards,

Paulo Peças

Welcome to Production Management Course (P2)

3 novembro 2021, 18:55 Paulo Miguel Nogueira Peças

Dear Students, Caros Alunos,

The Production Management Course will begin in November the 29th (P2, 1st Semester).

As you know, this is the first time this course occurs in 7 weeks format.

In the first week, the first lesson is dedicated to explain de Course dynamics, and the other two include relevant topics for the Group Work and for the Exam.

Yes, the assessment will have two components, Group Work and written Exam, each one with 50% contribution to the final grade. The Group Work will be explained in the first lesson. The written Exam structure will be also a topic of the first lesson.

The lessons will have the support of PPT slides. The slides will be available in the WebPage (section Downloads), before each lesson.

Each student should follow one of the shifts: TP1 or TP2. The Wednesday lesson from 12.00 to 13.00 is common to TP1 and TP2. The Group Work is to be done mostly during the lessons, so changing shifts along the period is not recommended.

The 1st lesson to TP1 is on November the 29th at 14.00.

The 1st lesson to TP2 is on December the 2nd at 08.00.

In the following weeks additional information will be sent to you, or uploaded in the Course webpage.

Best Regards,

Paulo Peças