Métodos de Avaliação

Final Grade = Test 1 (30%) + Test 2 (30%) + Project (40%)

Minimum requirements:

  • Test 1 >= 8,00
  • Test 2 >= 8,00
  • (0,5 x Test 1 + 0,5 x Test 2) >= 9,50
  • Project >= 9,50
  • Final Grade >= 9,50
  • Grade rounding only applies to the Final Grade after all minimum requirements are satisfied.


The Exam replaces the grade of one Test or both Tests. The highest grade between the Exam and the Test will be considered.


  • The Project is mandatory and is developed in groups of 3 students.
  • Groups must be created via Fenix between 19/09 and 30/09.
  • Each group must be enrolled on a single lab shift to ensure proper project assessment.
  • The project includes two intermediate assignments that do not contribute to the grade. The groups that hand over these assignments will get feedback.
  • The final grade of the Project results from a discussion with the group based on the final assignment of the project.
  • All members of the group must attend the discussion; a grade of zero will be assigned to those who don't.
  • The final grade of the Project is assigned per student. All members of a group are expected to share similar knoweledge regarding all the aspects of the Project. Disparities will be penalized and may result in failing the course.


Honour Code
All students are strongly encouraged to openly discuss ideas and approaches with the goal of promoting learning and sharing knowledge. But any kind of or copy, plagiarism or wrongdoing is strictly forbidden as dictated by the Honour Code to which all students of IST are bound to. In particular, tests and exams must be of the exclusive authorship of the student and all parts of the solution to a project must be of the exclusive authorship of the project group. Any kind of infringement implies failing the course and submitting an official report to the university for further inquiry.