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Information after 2nd Exam

7 fevereiro 2012, 11:40 Alberto Rodrigues da Silva

- It is available at the "Pautas" section the pdf with the Evaluation of the 2nd Exam and related files.

- Exam review session (optional): 9/2, 9h30-10h30 (F3)

Information for the 2nd Exam (updated)

30 janeiro 2012, 15:43

Surveys Available at BOA-GPI

19 janeiro 2012, 16:21

Information after 1st Exam

19 janeiro 2012, 16:02

Information for the 1st and 2nd Exam

11 janeiro 2012, 15:50

Corpo Docente

Alberto Rodrigues da Silva



Gabriel Cesar Ferreira Pestana