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Grades 2nd Exam
5 fevereiro 2020, 12:03 • Tânia Rodrigues Pereira Ramos
Dear students,
The grades of the second exame will be released today in the afternoon.
The exams may be consulted on February 07, Friday, at 10 am, at office 2N10.28
Best regards,
Tânia Ramos
Exame 30/Janeiro, 9h, A4
28 janeiro 2020, 12:57
Horário Dúvidas - Exame 30/Janeiro
24 janeiro 2020, 10:32
Exame 30/Janeiro - Inscrição Obrigatória
21 janeiro 2020, 12:30
Final Grades
17 janeiro 2020, 20:48
Corpo Docente
Ana Sara Costa