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Final Grades - 2nd Exam
5 fevereiro 2019, 20:01 • Tânia Rodrigues Pereira Ramos
Dear students,
The final grades are now available at Fénix.
The tests may be consulted on February 11, Monday, from 2 p.m until 3 p.m, at my office (2N10.20).
Best regards,
Tânia Ramos
2nd Exam Preparation
27 janeiro 2019, 22:17
Exame 31/Janeiro - Inscrição Obrigatória
18 janeiro 2019, 17:21
Final Grades
18 janeiro 2019, 17:15
2nd Chance for the 1st and 2nd Mini-Test
9 janeiro 2019, 19:13