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Teams for the optional Operating Room International Game

19 fevereiro 2019, 17:13 Inês Marques

Dear students,

Here is a link provided by one of your colleagues to simplify the establishment of teams among students who wish to participate in the game:
Those who do not have a team but are willing to participate can register in the file and contact each other by email.
Please be aware that this is only to facilitate your connections as most of you do not know by now your colleagues. This is not official information for me.
Those who have no idea about this subject should read the file about the evaluation rules.
Best regards.
Inês Marques

Office and Email Hours

15 fevereiro 2019, 18:48

Class shifts: 15h-16h30 and 16h30-18h (Monday)

13 fevereiro 2019, 17:21

Corpo Docente

Inês Marques



Mafalda Costa Santos Ivo de Carvalho