
Second exam

4 fevereiro 2021, 17:38 Pedro Resende

I have sent you an email today.

In case you have not received it and want to do the second exam please contact me as soon as possible.



22 setembro 2020, 17:29 Pedro Resende

The schedule of this course will be

Thursdays: 11:00 - 13:00
Fridays: 11:00 - 13:00

Início das aulas / beginning of term

15 setembro 2020, 13:25 Pedro Resende

As aulas iniciar-se-ão na próxima semana. O horário em princípio consistirá de 4 horas semanais e será definido em função das disponibilidades dos alunos, por isso peço a quem pretender frequentar a disciplina que me contacte.

The course will start next week. We'll in principle meet 4 hours per week, but the actual schedule will be defined taking into account the restrictions of all the students. If you plan to attend this course please contact me.

Pedro Resende