
Nova UC Opcional "Microbiomas" operacional a partir deste semestre

13 fevereiro 2020, 15:19 Rodrigo Costa

Prezados alunos,

Venho informar que estamos a oferecer, neste semestre que se inicia, uma nova unidade curricular opcional, denominada “Microbiomas”, que poderá ser de vosso interesse, principalmente daqueles que eventualmente gostaram do conteúdo abordado no módulo de “metagenómica” em GFC.  

“Microbiomas” sofreu um pouco com aspectos de divulgação que ultrapassam o nosso alcance, e por isso venho disseminar a existência da cadeira e pedir-vos para que pensem nesta possibilidade caso ainda tenham dúvidas sobre as opcionais que hão de escolher.

Informação sobre “Microbiomas” no fénix:

É oferecida aos mestrados em Microbiologia, Biotecnologia e Eng. Biológica.

Caso tenham interesse e queiram saber mais sobre o funcionamento da cadeira e o programa, favor entrar em contacto.

Obrigado pela vossa atenção e bom início de semestre.


2nd Exam grades and revision

5 fevereiro 2020, 14:59 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

Dear students, 

The 2nd Exam grades are now available in this page. Revision will take place on Friday, at 14h30-15h30, on the library of the 6th floor, south tower.
Miguel Teixeira

Doubts class 2nd exam

23 janeiro 2020, 16:44 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

Dear students,

I'll be available to clarify your doubts in preparation for the 2nd exam on monday, from 10h to 11h, room Q4.1. 


Miguel Teixeira


After the period indicated by Prof Miguel I will be available to clarify some questions in my office until 12h. (we can move to a place with more seats if needed). All those that may have not discussed their exam answers with me today can do that on Monday. I've uploaded a file with some pointers to answer the questions of the 1st exam. 

Have a nice weekend,

2ndTest/1st Exam grades and revision

22 janeiro 2020, 16:08 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

Dear students, 

The 2ndTest/1st Exam grades are now available in this page. Revision will take place on Friday, at 15h30-16h30, on the library of the 6th floor, south tower.

Miguel Teixeira

Grades Metagenomics report

16 janeiro 2020, 08:20 Rodrigo Costa

Dear students, 

The grades for the metagenomics report are now available in the folder "Lectures Rodrigo Costa / Practical lectures". 
Prof. Miguel will soon integrate these with all the other grades and make them available in the usual "Grades" folder. 
All the best and see you soon. 