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Reports on metagenomics

3 dezembro 2018, 15:45 Rodrigo Costa

Dear all, 

This is to inform you that apparently all reports have been handed in just fine by e-mail. 

If I miss some report by the end of my evaluation or if files have been corrupted, I´ll contact the students in question directly through their e-mail addresses.  

You can expect to receive your grades before Christmas. 

All the best, 

Grades for TP1

22 novembro 2018, 11:39

Metagenomics report can be sent by e-mail only

19 novembro 2018, 18:42

schedule for doubts clarification - CANCELLED

16 novembro 2018, 15:14

AntiSmash results - Actinomycetales and questions regarding the report on metagenomics

13 novembro 2018, 13:28

Corpo Docente

Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira



Jorge Humberto Gomes Leitão

Nuno Gonçalo Pereira Mira

Rodrigo Costa