
Schedule to clarify doubts in preparation for the 1st Exam

3 janeiro 2019, 17:02 Nuno Gonçalo Pereira Mira


There will be a schedule to clarify doubts in preparation for your 1st exam on Tuesday 15  from 14-16 in room V113. Book the schedule in case you want to attend. 


Grades of the 4th report

21 dezembro 2018, 12:20 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

Dear students,

The grades of the 4th GFC report are now available in this webpage. Please, feel free to come to my office if you would like to take a look at your report's corrections.

Miguel Teixeira

Test grades and review

18 dezembro 2018, 16:19 Nuno Gonçalo Pereira Mira


Sorry for some delay in providing corrected tests. Coincided with a highly busy period of activity of the teachers involved. Grades from the 1st test are now available. The test review will take place Thursday 20th from 11 till 12 am in the 6th floor library. Students that may not attend the review can contact me by email to try to schedule an alternative. 

In case we don't see ourselves before, have a very nice Christmas and a nice 2019, 


Deadline extension

12 dezembro 2018, 12:44 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

Dear students,
The deadline for delivering the 4th GFC report was postponed. You have three more days than initially foreseen.
Miguel Teixeira

Aula prática do turno de sexta

4 dezembro 2018, 13:57 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

Caros alunos,

Ao contrário do que vos disse, não poderemos ter aula prática na terça, porque estarei fora num júri de doutoramento. Assim, mantém-se a aula prática na sexta feira da próxima semana.
Desculpem a troca. Cumprimentos,
Miguel Teixeira