
Genome annotation

28 fevereiro 2013, 11:30 Nuno Gonçalo Pereira Mira

Genome annotation strategies: gene finder algorithms and use of reference-based annotation.

Comparative genomics and genomic diversity.

Computation work 1

27 fevereiro 2013, 12:30 Nuno Gonçalo Pereira Mira

Computational Work 1: From a DNA sequence to a genome annotation

Computation work 1

26 fevereiro 2013, 15:30 Nuno Gonçalo Pereira Mira

Computational Work 1: From a DNA sequence to a genome annotation

NGS data processing

26 fevereiro 2013, 09:00 Nuno Gonçalo Pereira Mira

NGS data processing: concept of assembly and contigs. 


Next generation sequencing technologies

21 fevereiro 2013, 11:30 Nuno Gonçalo Pereira Mira

Next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies: Introduction to pyrosequencing, Illumina, SoLiD and Ion Torrent. Experimental methodoloy for the different NGS techniques: DNA amplification and sequencing step.