
Biostatistics Lab

24 maio 2013, 13:30 Ana Maria Pires Parente

Contact with a statistical computing environment (R); practice the application of statistical tests of hypotheses to a real biological/genetics situation; analyzis of an ensemble of p-values and application of corrections for multiple testing.

Biostatistics II

23 maio 2013, 11:30 Ana Maria Pires Parente

4. Statistical tests: further examples
5. Multiple tests and multitudes of tests
6. Some important (bio)statistical models
7. Some ideas of multivariate analysis
8. Conclusions/recommendations

Biostatistics Lab

22 maio 2013, 12:30 Ana Maria Pires Parente

Contact with a statistical computing environment (R); practice the application of statistical tests of hypotheses to a real biological/genetics situation; analyzis of an ensemble of p-values and application of corrections for multiple testing.

Biostatistics Lab

21 maio 2013, 15:30 Ana Maria Pires Parente

Contact with a statistical computing environment (R); practice the application of statistical tests of hypotheses to a real biological/genetics situation; analyzis of an ensemble of p-values and application of corrections for multiple testing.

Biostatistics I

21 maio 2013, 09:00 Ana Maria Pires Parente

1. What is Biostatistics?
2. From Mendel and Fisher to Statistical Genomics
3. A closer look at Mendel's data (using tests of hypotheses and understanding the p-value)