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1st Test (26th of June; 03:00 PM London); Exam (22nd of July; 03:00 PM London)

22 junho 2020, 19:43 Paulo Caldas

Dear students,

Hope all is good.

Please do not forget Test dates and hours.

The worksheet will be available in Fenix (your student area).

As informed in first classes, please remember that 1st Test has a minimum grade of 9 out of 20 and is mandatory for all students.

I am at your disposal for any further information that you may need.

Best wishes.

Paulo Caldas

Sample Test (16th of June; 05:00 PM London) / 1st Test (26th of June; 03:00 PM London) / Exam (22nd of July; 03:00 PM London)

12 junho 2020, 16:33

SM Course final Guidelines. Group Works Final Report presentation dates. Sample Test date. 1st Test and Exam dates

4 junho 2020, 15:57

Strategy Formulation Report - Delivery Dates

3 maio 2020, 21:40

Final Report, Test and Exam Dates

28 abril 2020, 09:42

Corpo Docente

Paulo Caldas

