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Appeal Test - 5th February
2 fevereiro 2021, 22:57 • Diogo António Fernandes Gonçalves
Dear students,
Hope all is good.
The worksheet (Test) will be available in Fenix (your student area). A Portuguese version of the Test will also be available in Fenix (section).
You should do Test without any Consultation and autonomously.
Test lasts 60 minutes and consists of 20 multiple choice questions (no discount for wrong answers).
You have 10 additional minutes in the beginning (from 02:50), for preparation, and 10 additional minutes in the end (until 04:10), for submission.
The worksheet will be available in Fenix, through the worksheet section (Fichas de Trabalho), from 02:50 onwards.
You should select only one correct option for each question (each answer counts 1 value and all Test counts 20 values).
The Test counts 50% of the Final Grade for students with present or past Group Work Grades and 100% for students with no Group Work grades.
Your Presence on Zoom meeting during the Test is obligatory.
Join Zoom Meeting
MEETING ID - 819 7417 3350 AND PASSWORD - 698709
We are at your disposal for any further information that you may need (paulo.simoes.caldas@tecnico.ulisboa.pt; diogoagoncalves@tecnico.ulisboa.pt)
Best wishes.
Paulo Caldas & Diogo Gonçalves
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Corpo Docente