
Epoca Especial

23 julho 2019, 10:24 Pedro Manuel Gameiro Henriques

caros alunos,

Classificação do exame de 3ª epoca está apresentada no menu "SECÇÔES".

Revisão de provas amanhã a partir das 17,0h


Classificação FINAL

9 julho 2019, 14:48 Pedro Manuel Gameiro Henriques

boa tarde,

pauta apresentada com classificação do 2º exame.

Revisão de prova, dia 11/07 ás 11,30h no gab. 3.55

Pedro Henriques

Exame época especial

9 julho 2019, 13:27 Pedro Manuel Gameiro Henriques

candidatos a exame época especial,

O exame de época especial é dia 22/07 às 15,0h  . Obrigatório inscrição para exame através do envio de um mail para o docente Pedro Henriques

Revisão de provas

25 junho 2019, 10:52 Pedro Manuel Gameiro Henriques

Dear students,

Please find attached the classifications of the practical assignment done in group (A, B, 40%) and the 1st call of the written exam (C, 60%). Please take note that:

1) Erasmus students wishing to revise the 1st call of the written exam can do so on the 28th of June 2019, 10h (office 3.55)

2) Erasmus students wishing to register in the 2nd call of the written exam must do so by sending an email to the responsible of the course before the 03th of July 2019 10:00  (

3) Erasmus students must check the FINAL classifications now sent when the general classifications of all students are officially published in the fenix webpage (12th of July 2019)                                                                       

Kind regards,

dates of Work group delivery

27 fevereiro 2019, 15:57 Pedro Manuel Gameiro Henriques

 First work : 24 April 2019,

Second work : 22 May 2019