Métodos de Avaliação
Evaluation of the Particle Physics course (2019/2020)
The evaluation has two components: Tests/Exam (75%)
Article (25%)
This component consists of an evaluation made by two tests or a final examination. The two tests will be during the teaching period of the semester. In the 1st date of the Exam, the student can repeat either of the tests or choose to do the examination. The 2nd Exam will cover all the topics of both tests. The final grade for this component will be the best of the average of tests or exam. Test duration will be 1.5 hours and the exam 3 hours. You can bring the PDG and one page A4 with your notes. The first test will be Wednesday 6/11. The second test will be Tuesday 17/12
This component means the writing of a small article (4 pages) in the format of conference proceedings where the student discusses one particle physical observable either from the experimental or the theoretical perspective. For each article, specific questions will be asked. Themes for the article will be suggested until 14/10, and the chosen until 4/11. The article should be handed in until 16/12.