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Exam June 4

28 maio 2016, 12:27 Maria Teresa de la Peña Stadler

As published on section "Planeamento" of the web page the material for the recovery of the two tests (on June 4) is:
Test 1:  Chapters 1 to 9 of ( only section 9.1) of Krane
Test 2: Chapter 9 ( starting on 9.2) ,10, 11,12,14,19 of Krane.
Please check all materials available on the web page, in sections Problems and Tests.
Students can decide what to repeat ( if first, second or both tests).
The responsible professor will be available for support of the preparation to the exam on Wednesday at 10.30.

Do not come after that without special arrangement.
The grades of  the Test 2 done this last week will be published till monday, June 30.
For the students who want the test to be revised: the meeting is on wednesday, at 13 pm, in the meeting room of the Physics Department.
(revisão de provas).

Preparation of Exam on June 4

28 maio 2016, 11:56

Relatórios sobre visitas ao CTN/Reports on CTN visits

26 maio 2016, 11:46

Revisão de Provas 1º teste

7 maio 2016, 14:22

Aula Extraordinária

3 maio 2016, 10:27

Corpo Docente