
Lecture 4 - Week 2

26 setembro 2017, 08:30 Carlos Alberto Ferreira Fernandes

Fermi Dirac Function. Fermi level. Density of states in the conduction and valence bands. The classical approximation in the calculation of electron and hole densities- The effect of temperature on the carrier densities.

Aula T3 - semana 1

25 setembro 2017, 10:00 Carlos Alberto Ferreira Fernandes

Efeito fotoeletrico interno. Iluminacao de um cristal homogeneo na situacao estacionaria.

Lecture 3- Week 2

25 setembro 2017, 08:30 Carlos Alberto Ferreira Fernandes

Photo electric effect. Stationary situation in a homogeneous crystal under illumination. Effect of temperature on the carrier concentration densities. Cases of intrinsic and extrinsic materials.

P1- semana 1

22 setembro 2017, 16:30 Carlos Alberto Ferreira Fernandes


P1 - semana1

22 setembro 2017, 12:30 Carlos Alberto Ferreira Fernandes
