
Class #19: Chap. 10 - CUSUM and EWMA quality control schemes for attributes and for variables

28 novembro 2016, 08:00 Manuel Cabral Morais

10.4 EWMA schemes for variables (from Def. 10.22 until the end of the section)

10.5 Performance of individual EWMA charts for variables

Exercises: Test2-8Jan2015-Exercise3(d)(i), 10.25 (Mathematica), Test2-4July2014-Exercise 3(c) (after Def. 10.29); 10.35 (+Mathematica), 10.37 (+Mathematica)

Class #18: Chap. 10 - CUSUM and EWMA quality control schemes for attributes and for variables

22 novembro 2016, 08:00 Manuel Cabral Morais

10.3 Performance of CUSUM charts for attributes (from Prop. 10.12 until the end of the section)

10.4 EWMA schemes for variables (until Exercise 10.20)

Exercises: Test2-9Jun2014-Exercise 2(c) (after Example 10.14), Test2-4July2014-Exercise 2(c), 10.17 (+Mathematica), 10.20

Class #17: Chap. 9 - Shewhart quality control schemes for attributes and for variables. Chap. 10 - CUSUM  and EWMA quality control schemes for attributes and for variables

21 novembro 2016, 08:00 Manuel Cabral Morais

Chap. 9 - Shewhart quality control schemes for attributes and for variables

9.5 Shewhart charts for variables (from Note 9.30 until the end of the section)

Exercises: Test2-7Jun2013-Exercício 3(a)(b)


10.1 CUSUM and EWMA schemes

10.2 CUSUM charts for attributes

10.3 Performance of CUSUM charts for attributes (until Exercise 10.11)

Exercises: 10.8 (+Mathematica), 10.11 (+Mathematica)    

Class #16: Chap. 9 - Shewhart quality control schemes for attributes and for variables

15 novembro 2016, 08:00 Manuel Cabral Morais

9.4 Shewhart charts for attributes (Exercise)

9.5 Shewhart charts for variables (until Exercise 9.29)

Exercises: Test2Recurso-4July2014-Exercício 2(a)-(b); 9.25 (+Mathematica), 9.29

Class #15: Chap. 9 - Shewhart quality control schemes for attributes and for variables

14 novembro 2016, 08:00 Manuel Cabral Morais

9.4 Shewhart charts for attributes (from Example 9.8)

Exercises: Test2-9Jun2016-Exercício 2(a)(b) (after Example 9.8), 9.14, Test2-8Jan2015-Exercise 2(a)(b)