
Class #7: Chap. 3 - Stochastic ageing and the hazard rate function

12 março 2018, 18:00 Manuel Cabral Morais

3.3 Preserving the monotonicity character of the hazard rate function (from Exercise 3.21(b) until the end of the section)

3.4 Other notions of stochastic ageing (until Exercise 3.34)

Exercises: 3.21(b)-(c), 3.22, Test1-3May2014-Exercise 2(a)-(b) (after Prop. 3.23), Test1-4May2013-Exercise 2(a)(b) (after Prop. 3.26), 3.28 (+Mathematica); 3.34    

Class #6: Chap. 3 - Stochastic ageing and the hazard rate function

6 março 2018, 08:00 Manuel Cabral Morais

3.1 Hazard rate function

3.2 Monotonicity of the hazard rate function

3.3 Preserving the monotonicity character of the hazard rate function (until Exercise 3.21(a))

Exercises: Test1-31Jan2015-Exercise 2(a), 3.12; 3.16 (+Mathematica), 3.20(a), 3.21(a)

Class #5: Chap. 2 - Order statistics and durations of common structures in reliability

5 março 2018, 18:00 Manuel Cabral Morais

2.2 Association and bounds on the reliability function (another exercise)

2.3 Censoring mechanisms

Exercises: Test1-4May2013-Exercise 1(c); 2.30

Exercises with Mathematica (chaps. 1 & 2): Test1-19Nov2016-Exercises 1(a)(b)(c), 2(a, adapted); TestRec1-11Fev2017- Exercise 1(a); EpEspecial-24Jul2017-Exercises 1(a)(b), 2(a,b, adapted); Reliability of a Car; etc.

Class #4: Chap. 2 - Order statistics and durations of common structures in reliability

27 fevereiro 2018, 08:00 Manuel Cabral Morais

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Association and bounds on the reliability function

Exercises: 2.9, Test1-4Jul2014-Exercise 1(c), 2.15; 2.21, 2.23 (hints+Mathematica)

Class #3: Chap. 1 - Basic concepts in reliability

26 fevereiro 2018, 18:00 Manuel Cabral Morais

1.5 Reliability of systems with independent components (from Exercise 1.55 until the end of the section)

1.6 Association and bounds on system reliability

Exercises: 1.55, 1.60; 1.67, 1.71(b)+indep., 1.72 (+Mathematica)