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Final grades
11 julho 2024, 10:47 • Nuno Gonçalo Pereira Mira
Final announcement!
Final grades for the curricular unit have now been rendered available in the dedicated section of Grades. Concerning projects, you also have available qualitative evaluation of several parameters that were taken into account. I want to assure you that these grades have been carefully thought, accounting all those aspects as well as the challenge that was asked in every project, your own feedback of how the projects were developed inside each group and performance in the discussion with the different players (students and professors).
I am organizing an exam review session, online (HERE) tomorrow at 11:30 am so that we can discuss any aspect that you would like to discuss related with grades or doubts that you may have concerning the lectured topics. Everyone received their reports and written reports of the project with the annotations, please go through those prior asking questions! I explain a lot there already! After this exam review the grades will be final and submitted to IST graduation bureau.
Please don't forget to submit supplementary materials in fenix, in case you haven't done that yet.
Special congrats to the groups whose posters were selected for demonstration! Your job was pointed out by the professors and by the students as of high interest! Further instructions were sent to your emails, with the written reports.
In the end, i want to thank you all for being a nice crowd and hope that in the end you have learned something about microbial cell factories, working in teams, complying with deadlines and handling difficulties. All those are important aspects of your future work life, more than the grade per se.
I wish you the best summer vacations and see u,
Submission of supplemental materials
18 junho 2024, 10:47
Final instructions for submission of materials related to projects
13 junho 2024, 13:29
Meetings for follow-up of the projects
10 junho 2024, 19:16
Data for the yeast-based fermentations and new deadline for lab4B (UPDATED)
31 maio 2024, 13:31
Corpo Docente
Emanuel Gonçalves
Pedro Tiago Monteiro