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Posters for next Lecture

19 novembro 2018, 12:44 Miguel Amaral

Dear Students, 

I want you to prepare a poster to be presented and discussed next Friday in class. The poster should be prepared for A0 size and should explain your proposal in a very objective and robust way. You should include information on the Why (context/motivation/need), How (concept/vision/idea) and What (specific good or service to be delivered). You should be clear about the operations needed to implement/use your solution and about the Impact/ Value proposition of your project (see an example of the VP Canvas for example here or here. You can include a Business model Canvas and do all you can so that the poster is clear about all the key details and steps needed for developing your project. Try to use diagrams, tables, charts, images and avoid dense blocks of text. You should prepare a 5 minutes pitch based on your poster.

Send me the files until Wednesday in the afternoon so that I can have time to review them before our lecture on Friday.

Miguel Amaral

New Challenge from India

7 novembro 2018, 12:36


1 novembro 2018, 19:30

Challenges for the final Report

17 outubro 2018, 16:48

Practical lecture today - Socioeconomic assessment of key regions in India

12 outubro 2018, 13:38

Corpo Docente

Miguel Amaral

