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Grades 2nd Exam

20 junho 2019, 23:21 Inês Carrilho Nunes

Dear students,

The grades of the 2nd Exam have just been published. Exam review will take place next Tuesday (25th June) from 15:00 to 15:30. If you want to come to the exam review please send me an email by Monday 10:00 at the latest.

Kind regards,


Office Hours (12h-13h)

14 junho 2019, 14:16

Office hours for the 18th June evaluation

12 junho 2019, 20:54

18th June examination

9 junho 2019, 01:43

Application period for the 18th June examination

7 junho 2019, 13:49

Corpo Docente

Margarida Catalão Lopes



Inês Carrilho Nunes