
2nd Exam grades

28 fevereiro 2022, 17:41 Miguel Matos

The 2nd exam and course grades are now available under the grades section.

"Revisão de provas" will take place on Thursday, March 3 at 09:00 on Discord.
Students should join the #office-hours channel and then based on the arrival order will be moved to a separate channel where they can see the exam.

2nd Exam registration

19 fevereiro 2022, 10:10 Miguel Matos

The registration for the second exam is open until Wednesday 23 at 14:00
Registration is mandatory.

Exam grades

3 dezembro 2021, 18:21 Miguel Matos

The exam and course grades are now available under the grades section.

"Revisão de provas" will take place on Tuesday, December 7 at 17:00 on Discord.
Students should join the #office-hours channel and then based on the arrival order will be moved to a separate channel where they can see the exam.

Exam registration

19 novembro 2021, 11:32 Miguel Matos

The exam registration is open until Monday, November 22, at noon.
Students must register in the campus they are enrolled.

Paper and project grades

19 novembro 2021, 11:31 Miguel Matos

The grades for the paper and project are now available under the grades section.