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[T1]: Grades
5 maio 2019, 19:06 • Rui Castro
The grades of T1 are now available in section ‘Assessment’.
T1 will be available for students to look up on Wednesday, May 8th, 10:30 a.m., at the library of Energy Section (Electricity Building).
Take note of the following remarks concerning T1:
- For privacy reasons, the names of the students have been omitted in the grades pdf listing. Students are identified by their IST number.
- As bold highlighted in T1 text, more than one answer could be right in Part I of the exam. The 100% grade is to be given to the students that ticked ALL the right (R) answers. If at least one right answer is not ticked, the answer should be considered wrong (W). However, to avoid a high penalty, if one answer is right, a 1/2 right mark was given.
[ERPD_T1]: Distribution per classroom
26 abril 2019, 18:35
[Quiz]: Grades
1 abril 2019, 17:32
[ERPD_T1]: general information
27 março 2019, 13:51
ERPD Course kick-off
14 fevereiro 2019, 17:00