Invited Talk by Mr. João Crispim

13 março 2018, 15:58 Rui Castro

I am happy to announce an invited talk to be held on ERPD theory class (EA5 classroom) on Wednesday, March, 21st, 15:30, by Mr. João Crispim, Managing Director at Homing Homes.

Title: Business case for PV and storage in households
Speaker: Mr. João Crispim is an electrical engineer from IST with a Masters in business and innovation from ISEG and one in business from Nova School of Business and Economics. Previous experience at the Portuguese Transmission Grid Operator, in Oil & Gas at General Electric and at the Department for Energy and Climate Change in the UK. Currently heading Homing Homes, an Enhanced Environmental Profile building promoter, part of the Casais Group.
I invite all the students to attend this interesting talk.