Experiências de EITT || EITT Experiences

27 setembro 2017, 11:46 José Epifânio da Franca

Durante o semestre, teremos a oportunidade de ouvir experiências de Empreendedorismo, Inovação e Transferência de Tecnologia contadas por quem teve a coragem de sonhar, ousar e realizar! Ouviremos falar de sonhos que levam a encontrar soluções para problemas de pessoas e empresas, de como foram projectados e realizados e de como se fizeram chegar a quem precisa e quer pagar. Ouviremos falar de competição e competitividade, de inovação e criatividade. Ouviremos falar de negócio, de capital e de valor. Enfim, ouviremos falar de tudo o que faz parte do processo de criação de uma start-up, tão único como a experiência que nos é contada e tão pessoal como quem nos a conta.

Throughout the semestre, we will have the opportunity to listen to tales of experiences of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Transfer brought to us by those who have had the courage to dream, to dare and to do! We will learn the dreams that have solved problems of people and companies alike, how they have been designed and built and how they have been brought to those who need them and can pay for them. We will learn about competition and competitiveness, innovation and creativity. In short, we will listen to all that is part of the process of the foundation of a start-up through unique experiences and unique people!

Tomorrow, 12h30-14h00, we will have the first EITT Experience, by Ana Ferreira (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ana-ferreira-011aaa3/). Ana is a successful professional who has started her career in the consulting business (Deloitte), has then be the CEO of an IT consulting company (Key Value) and is now dreaming high as the CEO of a new start-up that is addressing the big problem of New Product Development and Ideation (idea generation and management) for the wine industry.

Next week, on Wednesday 04/10, 12h30-14h00, there will be the second EITT Experience, by Miguel Pina Martins, CEO of Science4You, and then, on the following week, Wednesday 11/10, 12h30-14h00, there will be our third EITT Experience, by João Fonseca, CEO of Biosurfit. There will be more about these EITT Experiences in due time.