An EITT Experience with Celso the creator of SAPO and a lot more
17 outubro 2017, 08:31 • José Epifânio da Franca
Good morning!
Tomorrow, Wednesday October 18th, at 12h30 in Room EA2, we will have yet another very exciting EITT experience brought to us by Celso Martinho
Celso Martinho is a challenge-driven, optimistic geek technologist, product guy, and entrepreneurial soul, eventually thrown into a management career. Founder of SAPO back in 1995, the leading internet project in Portugal, where he worked for 21 years, later as part of Portugal Telecom where he contributed to the telco innovation roadmap in areas such as Mobile, IPTV, Cloud and E-Payments.
Now CEO and founder of Bright Pixel, a software studio, home to a team of industry experts with vast experience in using technology and creativity to create world-class products and services in a diverse environment of fields ranging from web development, security, e-payments and big-data technologies to interface design and usability. Bright Pixel works with corporate partners on their digital transformation agendas at the Labs, helps startups and early-stage entrepreneurs in its incubation program, and invests through its balance and funds.
An entrepreneur like no other Celso has a combined background in top-level management, software project management, systems architecture and technical product development, and several decades of experience in the telecom and internet industries.
Intellectual Property Days @ Tecnico
16 outubro 2017, 11:40 • José Epifânio da Franca
Good morning!
As you already know by now, intellectual property is one of the key elements of a start-up project, be it in the form of patents or in any other form of knowledge protection. The series of Seminars on Intellectual Property at Tecnico bring about very interesting topics for learning and discussing relevant intellectual property matters.
The next Intellectual Property Day at Tecnico will be on October 26th, as per the announcement below (available only in Portuguese, sorry). I strongly encourage you to participate!
CONVITE - Dias da PI@Técnico: Será que o meu programa de computador é patenteável?
Gostaríamos de o convidar a participar na sessão dos Dias da PI@Técnico, que irá realizar-se no dia 26 de outubro pelas 16:30h na sala Q01.
Os Dias da PI@Técnico são sessões de esclarecimento realizadas em colaboração com o Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI) sobre propriedade industrial e o processo de comunicação de invenções desenvolvidas no Técnico.
Nesta sessão vamos identificar o que são invenções implementadas por computador, bem como identificar as características que contribuem para o caráter técnico de uma invenção desta natureza.
Para confirmar a sua presença, deverá registar-se através deste formulário:
Contamos consigo!
Programa completo da sessão e outras informações:
An EITT Experience with Miguel and Science4You
4 outubro 2017, 10:42 • José Epifânio da Franca
Bom dia!! || Good morning!!
Welcome to our second EITT Experience!
Today at 12h30-14h00, in Room EA2, we will have Miguel Pina Martins, the CEO of Science4You, sharing with us the extraordinary story of how a final year project at ISCTE-IU became a global player in the toys industry in just about 5 years. It is a story of great vision and boundless ambition, a story of global competition and competitiveness, relentless innovation and creativity. It is yet another experience that will take us through the process of the foundation of a start-up born in the university and brought to life by a daring young student who just wanted to have the power to do the things he dreamed of... to let children learn with fun!!!
Experiências de EITT || EITT Experiences
27 setembro 2017, 11:46 • José Epifânio da Franca
Durante o semestre, teremos a oportunidade de ouvir experiências de Empreendedorismo, Inovação e Transferência de Tecnologia contadas por quem teve a coragem de sonhar, ousar e realizar! Ouviremos falar de sonhos que levam a encontrar soluções para problemas de pessoas e empresas, de como foram projectados e realizados e de como se fizeram chegar a quem precisa e quer pagar. Ouviremos falar de competição e competitividade, de inovação e criatividade. Ouviremos falar de negócio, de capital e de valor. Enfim, ouviremos falar de tudo o que faz parte do processo de criação de uma start-up, tão único como a experiência que nos é contada e tão pessoal como quem nos a conta.
Throughout the semestre, we will have the opportunity to listen to tales of experiences of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Transfer brought to us by those who have had the courage to dream, to dare and to do! We will learn the dreams that have solved problems of people and companies alike, how they have been designed and built and how they have been brought to those who need them and can pay for them. We will learn about competition and competitiveness, innovation and creativity. In short, we will listen to all that is part of the process of the foundation of a start-up through unique experiences and unique people!
Tomorrow, 12h30-14h00, we will have the first EITT Experience, by Ana Ferreira ( Ana is a successful professional who has started her career in the consulting business (Deloitte), has then be the CEO of an IT consulting company (Key Value) and is now dreaming high as the CEO of a new start-up that is addressing the big problem of New Product Development and Ideation (idea generation and management) for the wine industry.
Next week, on Wednesday 04/10, 12h30-14h00, there will be the second EITT Experience, by Miguel Pina Martins, CEO of Science4You, and then, on the following week, Wednesday 11/10, 12h30-14h00, there will be our third EITT Experience, by João Fonseca, CEO of Biosurfit. There will be more about these EITT Experiences in due time.